Cold Treatment via Remote Scalar Energy Healing by Tom Paladino

This blog post outlines how we can cure the common Cold Treatment using scalar energy.
Scalar energy is capable of disassembling the pathogens responsible for the common cold. The adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, coronavirus and the rhinovirus are some of the etiological causes of the common cold. These viruses can be disassembled by scalar energy thus serving to either cure or palliate the symptoms of the common cold.

In practice, I use a scalar energy instrument whereby I administer the scalar energy reverse-phase angle harmonic of the adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, coronavirus and the rhinovirus in to a person suffering from the cold. This informational input of scalar energy will serve to disassemble the nucleic acid of these viruses thus incapacitating these pathogens and subsequently preventing infection as well as replication. Conclusively, these viruses have been reduced to a non-functioning state and no longer can produce the symptoms associated with the common cold.

Scalar energy will one day be recognized and embraced as the cure for the common cold as well as other viral diseases. This profound energy allows mankind to disassemble harmful, physical forms such as viruses and will one day be heralded as the cure for all pathogenic disease. My intent remains to introduce scalar energy to mankind as the cure for pathogenic disease thereby alleviating suffering and death. May God move the hearts of His children to soon
embrace Scalar Energy Healing.

May God grant you perfect health, Tom Paladino

Curing Influenza with Scalar Energy Healing

In practice, I administer the scalar energy reverse-phase angle harmonic of the influenza RNA in to a person infected with the influenza virus. This administration of scalar light will instruct the RNA of the influenza virus to disassemble, thus creating a state of chaos in the nucleic acid and rendering the virus inoperable. Once the influenza virus has been incapacitated, the symptoms of the flu either attenuate or disappear entirely, thus offering to mankind the cure for influenza Treatment.

Dr. T. Galen Hieronymus was a pioneer of scalar energy as he invented scalar energy instruments that were capable of assembling or disassembling physical matter. Hieronymus realized that scalar energy propagated through the ether and was capable of forming electrons, protons and neutrons from the ether, which is, the primary substance in the universe.

In the words of Hieronymus:
“It takes a certain amount of (scalar) energy to cause the Fine Media (ether) to coalesce so that the units, protons and neutrons, will be formed and a lesser amount of (scalar) energy to combine the units into the group of particles called the element, e.g., hydrogen, silver or mercury, and still a lesser amount of (scalar) energy to form the molecules of the various compounds. Such an element or compound can be disintegrated back into its components or units or even completely back into the Fine Media (ether) from whence it came.”

Hieronymus deduced that scalar energy acted upon the ether, and was responsible in forming or assembling electrons, protons and neutrons – the basic components of the atom. It is scalar energy that creates the informational input for ether to assemble thus subsequently calling into existence the atomic structure. Without scalar energy, the atom would disassemble resulting in a state of chaos in the universe. It is scalar energy that is responsible for assembling and maintaining the atom, element or molecule and therefore is the fundamental cause of the geometry of the cosmos. Succinctly, scalar energy is the primal force
that provides order out of chaos in the universe.

Hieronymus invented and developed scalar instruments that proved to be capable of disassembling physical objects such as pathogens, tumors, insects, poisons, etc. Others in turn were able to independently replicate Hieronymus’ success by similarly disassembling unfavorable, physical forms with the same scalar energy instruments that he invented, manufactured and subsequently offered for sale. These propitious results served as an indication that Hieronymus’ scalar energy instruments were indeed capable and efficient in controlling physical matter to the benefit of mankind.

My resolve remains to introduce scalar energy to mankind as the means to cure infectious diseases such as Influenza. Scalar energy allows mankind to control physical forms thus providing dominion over nature. The ability to assemble favorable, physical forms and to disassemble unfavorable, physical forms, will once again allow mankind to enjoy the gift of the “Creative Strength” that Adam and Eve initially enjoyed in the Garden of Eden. In the near future, scalar energy will be recognized as, “one of the greatest creations from God,” that will allow mankind to once again enjoy that state of perfection.

Lyme Disease Treatment via Scalar Energy Healing

I treat people with scalar energy by way of their photograph, as a photograph represents the scalar energy harmonic of that person. That is, every photograph has a scalar light signature attached to it whereby all the objects within a photograph are capable of being treated with scalar energy. In practice, I place a photograph of a person inside a scalar energy instrument, thereby resulting in an instant connection between the scalar energy instrument and the person. This instant connection represents the carrier wave of scalar energy between the
scalar energy instrument and the person. Subsequently, I am able to
communicate an infinite number of scalar energy harmonics by way of the carrier wave that connects the scalar energy instrument and the person.

Specific to Lyme disease, I communicate the scalar energy reverse-phase angle harmonic of Borrelia burgdorferi (lyme disease) to a person infected with the bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi (lyme disease). This reverse-phase harmonic serves to disassemble Borrelia burgdorferi (lyme disease), the causative agent of Lyme disease. Thus, scalar energy has effectively eliminated the underlying cause of Lyme disease thus offering a cure for the pathogenic infection.

There are additional co-infections associated with Lyme disease that can also be disassembled by way of scalar energy. Accordingly, it is possible to communicate the scalar energy reverse-phase angle harmonic of other genera of bacteria such as, babesia, ehrlichia, bartonella, rickettsia, theileria, etc. in to a person. Such a measure will likewise disassemble these various genera of bacteria thereby eliminating the co-infections of Lyme disease. As the co-infections of Lyme disease are eliminated, the symptoms of the infection are likewise attenuated and sometimes disappear entirely.

Scalar energy provides fundamental control over pathogens such as, Borrelia burgdorferi, thereby providing the cure for Lyme disease. Once embraced by mankind, scalar energy will make it possible to disassemble or unbind all pathogens thereby presenting the cure for all pathogenic diseases. My prayer remains that mankind will one day soon recognize and embrace this great gift from God: scalar energy. May the world soon be set free and cured of pathogenic diseases. Amen.

Tom Paladino offers the pathogen cleanse, nutrient therapy and chakra balance using his scalar energy healing instrument remotely. There is no need for you to leave home to receive a scalar energy session to eliminate pathogens, receive nutrients and balance your chakra.

Find Your Body Peace And Harmony With Chakra Healing

Chakra healing is an art which has been used since centuries to balance vital energy centers in the human body. There are different tools which are used in this method such as meditation and stones. The end result of this is a happier, healthier and peaceful body and mind.

There are 7 chakras in our bodies according to the practitioners of this art. These areas are responsible for spiritual, body and emotional aspects. These chakras form a line from spine base to head top. These chakras have their own vibration frequency, color and symbol. Root chakra is the first one which is found at the base of spine. It governs leg, spinal column, immune system, rectum and feet. When it is out of balance it leads to leg cramps, back pain, rectal conditions, varicose veins, depression and other immune disorders.

Chakra Healing
Chakra Healing

There are many vibrations which affect chakra and this where its balancing comes into play. Chakra stone, chant, the human voice, music, chakra meditation, mantras brings the chakra frequency back into vibration alignment. Chakra meditation is used to one center and it also improves positive energy flow in the body.

Chakra meditation you concentrate on each chakra starting with the one and coming up to the crown chakra. By imagining the flow of energy from chakra to another it will aid in removing blockages and also removes pain and diseases. Chakra healing energy is very effective and there are experienced healers who will employ different tools to assist you in finding harmonious vibrations.

Chakra Healing

Chakra Healing San Francisco

Looking for chakra healing in San Francisco? It’s as close as your computer keyboard. Meet Tom Paladino of  Chakra healing is available in San Francisco remotely. Send your photograph and Tom can heal, balance and align your chakra.

What do you think of when you see chakra healing and scalar wave energy in the same sentence? You might know what a chakra is by now. The word entered the Western lexicon over one hundred years ago. The concept of chakra features in tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Chakra are believed to be centers of the body from which a person can collect energy. They are connected to major organs or glands that govern other body parts. Its name derives from the Sanskrit word for “wheel” or “turning.” Chakra play a vital role in human function.

There are seven main (7) chakra which call to mind the perfection of the number seven.

When the seven chakra of the human body are in balance and harmony, man experiences a perfect state of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well being. The chakra system begins with the crown chakra located above the head and proceeds in a descending order to the base of the spine. The scalar session alignment of the seven chakra results in the perfect balance and harmony of the human condition.

In turn, the seven chakra of the body distribute scalar energy throughout the human body by a network of nadis. The nadis are found throughout the body and are similar in function to the network of nerves. That is, nadis are energy channels for scalar energy.

The scalar energy that I administer serves to align the seven chakra of the human body. Many people experience salubrious and positive effects from the chakra healing by way of scalar energy. Some of those favorable results are as follows:

Benefits of Chakra Healing in San Francisco

  • Sleep is more meaningful and without interruption.
  • The endocrine system experiences a greater sense of balance and harmony.
  • Depression and mental confusion are reversed and lifted. Excess weight loss is experienced and digestion is improved. Memory and cognitive ability is improved.
  • A sense of well being and peace is realized.
  • Hormones and neurotransmitters are brought in to balance and proper proportion.
  • Autoimmune diseases, asthmatic conditions, allergic reactions and migraine headaches are alleviated.
  • The immune system is enhanced.
  • Prayer and meditation are experienced in a deeper context.
  • The complexion is clearer with fewer pimples and blackheads. Skin tone takes on a more natural and healthful appearance.
  • Dreams are enhanced and more vivid accompanied with a greater sense of recall.

Scalar energy are light instructions from source. Hence, the scalar energy that comprises the seven chakra of the body are the Divine instructions as to how the human soul, mind and body should properly function according to the Divine Will. In short, scalar energy imparts upon the seven chakra the Divine instructions from God to ensure a perfect spiritual, mental, emotional and physical state of being.

In conclusion, scalar energy is the essential means to harmonize and balance the chakra. It is Scalar Energy Healing that is the Divine intelligence and primal force that creates, organizes and maintains the chakra of man. It is my earnest hope to introduce scalar energy to mankind as the means to bring the seven chakra of the human body in to a state of perfection. The perfect state of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical being desired by man will in part depend upon the balance and harmony of the seven chakra.